Pre-Natal Massage, or Pregnancy Massage, is an important part of pre-natal and maternal health. A mother's body is going through so many changes that often come with aches, pains and added stressors. As the baby grows, the hips, ribs and other areas widen and shift to accommodate that precious baby. This may lead to low back pain or tightness, rib pain, hip pain, groin discomfort, leg cramping or pain all of which are perfect reasons to get regular massages. One doesn't need to be in pain to get pregnancy massage either, it is important to engage in restorative and relaxing activities, such as massage, to assist the body in meeting all of its demands while growing a human!
Allison can address all of the above issues while allowing you to feel relaxed and nurtured. You will lay on your side, as if in your bed, propped with pillows so that you are comfortable. After both sides are massaged, you will lay on your back propped up with pillows so that you can get a nice relaxing neck, shoulder and scalp massage. If you'd like, you can combine certain Essential Oils to help with aches and pains, digestive discomfort or for relaxation. Allison knows all of the specific areas to avoid in the beginning stages of pregnancy, and which acupressure points to stimulate at the end of pregnancy, if needed.
Be sure to take care of yourself during this most important time!
Allison also specializes in Acupuncture to help during early stages of labor or to help stimulate the body's own ability to contract more efficiently. For the best outcomes, Allison will only treat those who are after their 40 week guess-date and are ready to get things moving naturally!